




Office Footwear Brown


It's always important to keep up appearances whilst at the office, but at the same time, you need to be comfortable in order to be productiive - and that's where these unique office slippers can help. 
Designed to look just like formal business wear, these shoes are made from leather that has been traditionally tanned using plant extracts, and feature a detailed 'wing tip' design, 
Take off your shoes and allow you feet to breathe, safe in the knowledge that if a client or your boss suddenly walks into the office, you can quickly slip these on for that professional look.


カラー  ダークブラウン
サイズ  S(24~25cm)、M(25~26cm)、L(26~27cm)、LL(27~28cm)     *ご購入時に、備考欄にサイズのご記入をお願い致します。
Color: Black
Sizes: S (24cm - 25cm), M (25cm - 26cm), L (26cm - 27cm), LL (27cm - 28cm (Please add your size in the comment section on the order form)

The leather used for these shoes has been treated using an environmentally friendly plant tanning process. For comfort, we have used cork for the inner lining, and added a lip around the heel to prevent them from slipping off. 
The leather used for these shoes has been treated using an environmentally friendly plant tanning process. For comfort, we have used cork for the inner lining, and added a lip around the heel to prevent them from slipping off. 

Anatomically-based fatigue prevention system コルク地中海諸国で多く産出されるコルクの木の皮から作られる素材。軽く弾力性に優れているのが特徴で表面に空いた無数の穴が消臭効果ももたらしている。
CORKOur cork is mainly sourced from meditranian countries. Light-weight and resilient, the holes also help with odour elimination. ライニング材高吸収拡散性素材に消臭制菌加工を施した高機能ライニング材を使用。ノンウエットバック効果による優れたドライ感でべとつかない爽やかな履き心地をお楽しみ頂けます。
Lining Material
We use an advanced highly-absorbant material which also eliminates odours. 
A light-weght non-slip sole integrating impact absorbing materials. 

 Office Footwear Black同じく、ウィングチップのデザインやタンニンなめしにこだわった、使い込むほどに味がでる仕上がりになっています。ご購入ページは、コチラです。
The same high-quality shoes are avaiable in black here.

ゴールド化成工業 について静岡県静岡市にある、革靴・スニーカーなどの履物をメインに、生活雑貨・日用品など幅広い製品を生産しているメーカーです。ホームページ:http://goldkasei.shop-pro.jp/
About Gold Kasei Japan
Gold Kasei Japan is a manufacturer of daily goods and consumables focused on footwear such as leather shoes and trainers. 
Website: http://goldkasei.shop-pro.jp/

あなたが求める本当の「欲しい」をかなえるためにDTO(Design To Order)というビジネスモデルを軸にウェブサイト[空想生活]から消費者起点の商品開発プロジェクトははじまりました。[空想生活]のユーザー約20, 000人の中からデザイン、素材に関する意見や要望、購入価格に至るまでを製造過程(テストマーケティングやモデルサンプル制作)を公開しながら繰り返し研鑽。特にサンダルの持つ安物、間に合わせといった悪いイメージを払拭するためにもっとも要望の高かった高級感という視点に着目。アッパー材には成牛に比べてきめ細やかで美しく滑らかなキップと呼ばれる生後6ヵ月程度の牛革を使用、革のなめし工程も見直しあえて時間と手間のかかる「フルヴェジタブルタンニン(渋鞣し)」の本革を一部のモデルに採用しました。本物の高級感と履き心地の良さをぜひお楽しみください。
What would you like us to make?
These shoes have been created through Cuusoo's Design-To-Order product development system, which places consumers at the heart of the design process.
By creating new products and then receiving consumer feedback on the design, materials and price, multiple revisions can be made to ensure that the final product is something that people will love. These shoes were improved several times through this process, resulting in a smart, profesisonal yet comfortable pair of unique office slippers.